Monday, February 20, 2012

Commercial Art

Samples of students' final projects

Concept: Designing a box for a food product.  Student Outcomes:  Students will design and illustrate a box for a food product.  Focusing Event:  Students will be exposed to examples of food product designs, such as Ritz crackers, cereal boxes, etc.  Students will be given a planning sheet where students will develop their ideas for their project by picking foods and coming up with adjectives to describe them. Procedures: Show students examples of common food products that are packaged in boxes.  Have a discussion with them about the following: fonts, colors, designs, and interesting points.  Hand out the planning worksheet.  Upon completion of worksheet, students will create 4 sketches of possible designs.  Have students written a paragraph explaining what their product is, the font, colors, and design they will use and explanation of their marketing. Give a demonstration on how to make templates for their boxes. Students will create their own boxes and design. Closure/Assessment:  Self-assessment rubric, teacher assessment rubric, class presentation, written paragraph.  Materials: colored pencils, markers, colored paper, pen and pencil, planning worksheet, 80 weight paper.